Law II
Brief characteristics:
The aim of the subject is to assume the graduates with basic knowledge in theory and institutions of private law of the Czech Republic and to increase their legal conscience.
Private law and it´s function – as an instrument of social structure, as a social regulator and as an information system. Development of private law. Principles of civil law, protection of personality, rights in rem, law of obligations, law of inheritance. Principles of law of intellectual property. Civil procedure, civil trial, judical cognizance and jurisdiction, parties to an action, legal remedies, execution procedure. Principles of commercial law, conversion of legal regulation to new conditions, corporate law, economic competition, commercial contractual relations, single contractual types. Legal regulations of bankryptcy and settlement. Law of international trade.
Study letters:
Janků, M. a kol.: Základy práva pro posluchače neprávnických fakult. Praha, C. H. Beck, 2. vydání, 2006, 642 s.
Legal Acts:
Zákon č. 513/1991 Sb. – obchodní zákoník
Zákon č. 455/1991 Sb. – živnostenský zákon
Zákon č. 182/2006 Sb. – insolvenční zákon
Zákon č.591/1992 Sb. – zákon o cenných papírech
Zákon č. 40/1964 Sb. – občanský zákoník
Zákon č.99/1963 Sb. – občanský soudní řád