Real Estate Cadastral Act and Building Act

Brief characteristics:
The aim of the subject is to assume the graduates with basic knowledge in theory and use of the Construction lien and the Real Estate Cadastre Act of the Czech Republic and to increase their legal conscience.
The Real Estate Cadastre of the Czech Republic, historical excursion, administration of the Cadastre, obligations of proprietors of real estates and other entitled persons, reconstruction of cadastral machinery, obligatory force of datas in the cadastre, cadastre data providing, changes content of the cadastre. Rights in Rem of real property and Rights to Another Person´s Thing. Procedure of registration of Proprietary and other Material Rights to Real Estates to Real Estate Cadastre. Landscape planning, capital construction. Construction (Building) offices, building regulations, building control (proceedings) according to the new Building Act, building deliquency (tort), penalties. Project and budgetary documentation. Entry to the land.

Study letters:
Janků, M. a kol.: Základy práva pro posluchače neprávnických fakult.2. vydání, Praha, C.H.Beck, 2006
Bradáč,A. kol.: Rádce majitele nemovitostí, Praha, Linde a.s. 1998, 703 s.

Legal Acts:
Zákon č.344/1992 Sb. - katastrální zákon
Zákon č. 265/1992 Sb. - zákon o zápisech vlastnických a jiných věcných práv k nemovitostem
Prováděcí vyhláška ČÚZK č. 190/1996 Sb.
Zákon č. 183/2006 Sb. - stavební zákon
Prováděcí vyhlášky k zákonu č. 183/2006 Sb.